Desert Cream and Zam-Buk Lotion:
our first 3 months here, a new friend noticed my hands were nearly bleeding as
a result of dryness.
But before I tell you more, I have to give you an
idea of the climate and conditions, here in Tsumeb.
There are two deserts that make up large portions
of Namibia. The Kalahari Desert and the
Namib Desert. We are on the outskirts of
the Kalahari. The town we live in
actually can look quite tropical, with date palm trees, Makalani trees,
flowering Jacarandas (look like Wisteria) and Flamboyants that line the streets
of the town. It can also look like
desert with sand yards, school yards, street sides, shop parking areas, made
completely of sand.
The seasons are like this:
Winter (feeling): from about May-ish – September
This is a time with no rain, warm days in the high
70’s to mid 80’s and cold nights with the extreme down into the low 40’s. The sun shines in daytime and the sky is a
most gorgeous blue!
Spring-which blurs right into Summer (if you ask
me): September-March
This is where it’s tricky to describe the weather
because it all depends on when the rains come.
October is typically blazing HOT…this was our 2nd one..and it
was true to that. November is also HOT
but the long awaited rains begin to come in November and it is the most
welcome, PRAISEworthy blessing and relief.
It is truly amazing how the heat fades away when it rains. Rain makes the evening and the morning much
cooler, and subsequently…the day a bit more bearable as well!
The rainy season can last from November into
March…and we even had 2 rains in April this past year..unfortunately..we are in
drought conditions now, as there was very little rain during this “rainy season”. **Please pray for unseasonable rains to
come..and for farmers trying to make a crop and sustain their cattle
herds. May their hope be built on the
unseen, our great God, versus the seen…the drought and suffering lands. **
Okay, That leaves us with a quick Fall: April-May
Days in the high 70’s to low 80’s and nights in the
This climate and conditions leave us Johnsons, and
many others with dry, dry hands and skin.
We brought lotions from home, bought lotions and
ointments and creams here…you name it…we had tried it…
We were introduced to Desert Cream.
Hmm…Catchy frills…straight to the point…
Well, if the name didn’t say enough, we experienced
it first hand.
Desert Cream, in Desert conditions, IT WORKS!!!
It is a thick, rich cream, with virtually no “scent”—maybe
tainted a little with the scent of the plastic it’s packaged in (my hubby and
big boy say).
It absolutely does what no other cream could do for
our family! Nourishes and moisturizes
the dry skin and brings relief to this scaly skinned crew!
The other lotion in the pic is the one we use when
the dry skin is more manageable. It is a
lighter lotion and actually has the scent of Vicks Vapor Rub..which goes away
instantly..after soothing your skin and giving you a little fresh feeling
This family is not without both of these creams on
the shelf at all times!
They are TWO of our Favorite Things!
you interested in more about the area and if you are a Shelby County library card holder, the children’s section has a DVD
of Jeff Corwin in the Namib Desert)