Our date is set, May 30th 2011. Yes it is soon. Yes we have a lot to do. And yes we are ready!
Tori wanted me to explain this name “chiseling a church” by Acts 2 42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. This was the verse I took to Namibia in 2010. This was the verse that God had put on my heart for the pastor’s of Namibia in 2009. And so we spent the week learning the 4 components of verse 42. We learned how to study the bible. We learned why we need fellowship. We learned what the “Lord’s Supper” means. And we learned how to pray. This was their first time to be taught these things. Oh how God’s word ignited our flame of faith!
So why did we chose “chiseling a church”? Chiseling infers that the project is already begun, but not involving completion. Chiseling conjures up a picture: A man; The man must utilize and manipulate an instrument upon the object to get the outcome he sees in his mind; Long hours are required; Pain is a constant state; And sacrifice is not negotiable. The instrument: 2 simple tools, one tool for molding and the other for force. The object: crude and unadorned, not knowing what it can or will become. Ultimately it is straight forward and basic. That will be our approach in Namibia: we will take the 2 tools that God has given, His Word and His Spirit, and spend time with the object, the pastors of Namibia.
We will have our eyes fixed on our Lord and Savior and ask that you would be in prayer for us. As we and the people of Namibia live out the 4 pillars of Acts 2:42, just as that early Chiseled Church did long ago.
See you on the field
I like the name! How cool! Looking forward to following your time in Namibia....