Thursday, July 7, 2011

The first month in pictures!

We have so much to share about our first month here--

Travel, adapting to life in a new context, ministry, family time, insects & reptiles, food we've made that "feels like home"...

We started thinkin'...let's do it in pictures...
There is so much that is left out...but this is a great start!


  1. awesome pictures! now, to just get it down in words....please?

  2. Love the pictures! Miss you bunches. Give everyone hugs and kisses from Aunt Ney, Uncle Justin and Baby Haley!!

  3. Love seeing all the fun! Glad the biscuits are still good. I never doubted ya! Praying for more awesome albums to come....God is Good!

  4. Wow, great summary of your first month. I love the smile, hugs and innocent joy I see in all your faces. It just warms my heart to see e kids in action too....who would of thought lemon picking would be a new hobby and Pnut assistant-facilitator extraordinaire. Thanks for sharing your month with us, these help me feel like I am partially there with you.
    Keep them coming. Hugs and kisses to the entire Johnson Family!
    Love you,
    David, Linda, Ryan and Ivanna

  5. I just finished crying after looking at the pictures!! I miss y'all so much! The kiddos look so natural and BIG! I am so excited about what the Lord is doing through y'all Africa and in the hearts of those who hear. I love you Johnson family!!!
    Paul, Katie and Lydibitty

  6. Your sweet family is on our minds so often, and we pray for you with great expectation and joy!
    Can't wait to see and hear more from you-
    it is so hard to imagine your life now, and we want to know about all your new experiences He is leading you to and through.

    We love you,
    Brad and Anna
    Kevin, Erik and Elin
