Friday, April 22, 2016

The Prayer-July 17, 2014

There in the casket his body lay
his life eternal in Heaven to stay
We gathered round the boy child to pray,
each weeping with final earthly goodbyes to say.

As his prayer flows--that heart God intimately knows
he asks our Provider, Comforter and Friend
The One whose love for us knows no end:

"God take our tears and turn them into a beautiful rainbow."

The day continues with funeral and burial
hearts hurting, longing, sad and missing the piece that brought such laughter and life.

As his body is lowered we look to the skies,
a few clouds-no rain, just tear filled eyes.

The only son and best friend drops the first bit of dirt in
Our family of four only left....
Going back to the home once filled with his love
now filled with mourners bereft.

We need You God, we need You near
the cry of my heart only You can hear.

The loved ones go and the rain begins to fall
the girl child and I go dance in it all.
We love that rain that cleanses and falls
reminding us You alone hold it all.

We dry and it stops--look out to the sun
could it be what we see is a gift from The One?
seen from beginning to ending
on the front porch we all gaze like time is suspending.
"It's beautiful!", "It's clear!", "I've never seen one right here!"

A symbol, a promise, an answer to prayer...
Our God gives abundantly, none can compare.
May we Trust, may we Know
You were there, You are here;
Today just as that--the promise is clear.

The days now continue
hearts hurting and sad,
yet your Peace brings joy at the thought of a Dad,
who is with You and loved us because of Your love;

Our Great God who sent that rainbow from Heaven above.

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